World Cancer Day 2023 – “Close the care gap”
Cancer is an exploding epidemic in India. It is the second biggest killer in India, and 8.17% of cancer deaths worldwide occur in India alone. Some very sobering statistics about cancer in our country.
- One woman dies of cervical cancer every 8 minutes in India.
- For every 2 women newly diagnosed with breast cancer, one woman dies of it.
- As many as 2,500 persons die every day due to tobacco-related diseases in India.
- Cancers of oral cavity and lungs account for over 25% of cancer deaths in males and cancer of the breast and oral cavity account for 25% cancers in females.
- One in every 10 persons in India will suffer from cancer in their lifetime.
On the occasion of world cancer day, 2023 Patel Hospital conducted various seminars and health camps with different -different reputed organizations.
On 2nd February 2023 Dr. Anchal Aggarwal (Consultant Radiation Oncologist) from Patel Hospital hosted a seminar on world cancer day at Metro Cash & Carry Store, Jalandhar more than 50 staff members participated in this seminar. She explained the benefits of early detection and prevention of cancer awareness.

On the same day, we hosted a Free Health Check-up Camp at Metro Cash & Carry Store for their staff and customers, more than 100 people get benefited from this camp.
On 4th February 2023 Dr. Shikha Chawla, Head – Department of Radiation Oncology, Patel Hospital had an interactive Radio Interview with MY RJ Garry (MY FM 94.3). On the same day, she comes live on Facebook in the live question & answer session. In this interactive session, she explained the most common causes of cancer disease, the facts, and how we can prevent them.

Dr. Anchal Aggarwal, Consultant Radiation Oncologist hosted another seminar for our hospital staff and patients on early detection and prevention of cancer in women & men on 4th February at Patel Hospital, Jalandhar.

In the continuation to raise awareness regarding cancer disease, this World Cancer Day, Patel Hospital will host two more Cancer Awareness Seminars one is on 6th February at Rail Coach Factory by Dr. Anubha Bharthuar (Medical Oncologist) and 8th February at State Bank of India main branch by Dr. Anchal Aggarwal, Consultant Radiation Oncologist.
This year’s world cancer day 2023 theme is “Close the care gap”. Whoever we are, we have the power to reduce the impact of cancer on ourselves, the people we love, and the world. It’s time to make a personal commitment.